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Community Primary School

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Nurture UK

Nurture UK

We are a nurturing school and are currently working towards Nurture UK accreditation. We are embedding the six principles of nurture into everything we do.

The six principles of nurture are :

CHILDREN’S LEARNING IS UNDERSTOOD DEVELOPMENTALLY Teachers respond to children based on their developmental progress 'Stage not age'


THE CLASSROOM OFFERS A SAFE BASE A classroom environment is inviting and nurturing for all.


THE IMPORTANCE OF NURTURE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WELLBEING Nurture involves listening and responding. Children respond to being valued and thought about as individuals,


LANGUAGE IS A VITAL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION Language is more than a skill to be learnt, it is our way of putting feelings into words. Children often ‘act out’ their feelings as they lack the vocabulary to ‘name’ how they feel.


ALL BEHAVIOUR IS COMMUNICATION It doesn’t excuse the behaviour, we need to ask the question: ‘why the behaviour?’


THE IMPORTANCE OF TRANSITION IN CHILDREN’S LIVES Transition and change can be difficult for children to understand and deal with. As well as the daily transitions from one session to another, children also cope with bigger changes and transitions, such as starting school or moving to High School.
